Top tips for your appointment
Below are some hints and tips from patients, companions and carers that may help you at a hospital appointment. Being well prepared can help the appointment run smoothly and help you feel that you get the most out of your appointment.
- Knowing information about your own condition may assist you in asking more relevant questions.
- Think about what you might like to have answered at the appointment and write down any questions or concerns you have beforehand.
- Sometimes taking someone along with you can be helpful, they may also be able to take some notes at the appointment. Due to on-going Covid restrictions you will be informed if you are unable to be accompanied.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for something to be explained using simpler terms, it is important that you understand what is being said. Write down anything to look over after your appointment.
- Be clear in your communication about how much you would like to know and what the next steps in your care are.
There are a couple of published tools that you might find help you tailor your questions for your appointment. Please click on the titles to be linked with more information.
- What are my options?
- What are the pros and cons for each option?
- What support is available to help me make a decision?
- What are the Benefits?
- What are the Risks?
- What are the Alternatives?
- What if I do Nothing?
Macmillan has produced a booklet that has many suggestions and ideas for questions that you may like to ask the team of Doctors, Nurses and other professionals involved in your care, which is more specific to cancer treatment.