The Rheumatology Team
The core multi-disciplinary team is led by consultant Dr Kate Armon and includes paediatric rheumatology nurse specialist (Kit Tranter) three paediatric musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (Ruth Vaughan, Vickie Easton,) a paediatric occupational therapist (Emma Jerman) and medical secretary (Lesley Sim). Together they have the experience and expertise to help the child/adolescent and their family to manage their condition and will often enlist the skills of colleagues in other specialities to obtain the best care for families.
We link in with the paediatric orthopaedic team regularly, sharing care of children with bone and joint infections, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, arthrogryposis and other complex conditions. We have a fortnightly musculoskeletal multidisciplinary X-ray meeting, which includes all those involved in the care of children with musculoskeletal problems and provides a forum to discuss cases.
Mr Narman Puvanachandra is the consultant paediatric ophthalmologist who works closely with us providing screening and treatment for arthritis associated eye inflammation.