Information for parents and children
There is a wide range of health-related information available for children, parents and carers. The information comes in a variety of formats including leaflets, podcasts and videos.
We also have a range of services and resources you can access if you need help, information or support at the Jenny Lind.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
If for any reason you want to raise an issue and you feel you cannot it discuss it with clinical staff, you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
The PALS team is there to offer confidential help to patients, relatives and carers and more information on this service is available by clicking on this link – Patient Advice and Liaison Service.
The hospital also has a Chapel and multi-faith prayer room on Level 1, Centre Block, should parents, patients, relatives, or friends need a peaceful place here they are welcome to sit, reflect, pray and perhaps light a candle for a loved one.
Big C Family Cancer Information and Support Centre
We also have a cancer information centre funded by the Big C cancer charity. The centre is located outside the hospital’s East block. For more information please click on this link – Big C Family Cancer Information and Support Centre.