Our Carers’ Forum

Listening to carers is important to us and we want to ensure that carers are involved in the planning, design and evaluation of our services at the hospital – which is why we’ve set up our Carers’ Forum. Their role is to:

  • Provide advice on care from a carer perspective
  • Act as a carer representative to help ensure their views, interests and feedback is heard
  • Ensure services are designed with carers’ needs in mind
  • Ensure services are designed in partnership with carers

The Forum meets every two months, for 1.5 hours, but we’re happy to support carers to be as involved as they wish. Whether you’d like to regularly attend Forum meetings, just contribute to discussions on a certain aspect of care, or  participate less regularly, we’d love to hear from you.

If you are interested in finding out more, or joining our Carers Forum, please contact our Patient Engagement Team:

Email:          Patient.Experience@nnuh.nhs.uk

Telephone:  01603 288 295

If you’d like to get involved but need additional support or access requirements, please let us know.