Norwich Research Park
The Norwich Research Park aims to deliver solutions to the global challenges of healthy ageing, food and energy security, sustainability and environmental change.
It is an international centre of excellence in life and environmental sciences research with world-class expertise in the research and development pipeline from genomics and data analytics, global geochemical cycles and crop biology, through to food, health and human nutrition.
The Norwich Research Park is a partnership between the University of East Anglia, NNUH and four independent world-renowned research institutes: the John Innes Centre, Quadram Institute and Earlham Institute (all strategically funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and The Sainsbury Laboratory by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. The BBSRC is itself a partner as is the John Innes Foundation. The Park is managed by Norwich Research Partners LLP and the CEO of NNUH is a member of the Board. As a result of this collaboration the Partners have gained access to 32 acres of land adjacent to the hospital which is under development to expand the research park.
The main strength of Norwich Research Park is the concentration of world-leading scientists coupled with the capability for multidisciplinary research. The vision of the Norwich Research Park partners and local government stakeholders is to develop a thriving science and innovation business park over the next decade by supporting spin-out and start up companies and through attracting inward investment from large corporate organisations involved in science and technology.
The Norwich Research Park is home to around 30 science and IT based businesses. With over 11,000 people including 2,700 scientists and an annual research spend of over £100 million, the Norwich Research Park is Europe’s leading centre for research in Food, Health and the Environment.
Norwich Cancer Research Network
The Norwich Cancer Research Network showcases the breadth and depth of cancer research taking place on the Norwich Research Park, improving links between scientists, clinicians and research bodies and driving high quality research and open communication.
For more on the network, visit the Norwich Cancer Research website.