Research and Innovation

We’re a research-focused Trust with excellence in chronic diseases (particularly oncology, gastroenterology, diabetes and muscular skeletal conditions), paediatrics, older peoples’ medicine, platform technologies relating to radiology and advanced imaging, and microbiology. We’re part of the Norwich Research Park (NRP) which has an international reputation for research in plant and microbial sciences, interdisciplinary environmental sciences and food, diet and health.
Our Research Strategy 2020-2025 provides our focus on four goals over the next five years:
- Embed a culture of research, creating an inspirational environment that’s recognised nationally and internationally which inspires future leaders of clinical research
- Consolidate and deepen the special partnership with the University of East Anglia (UEA) and the Quadram Institute Bioscience (QIB)
- Develop sustainable strategic partnerships critical to the region and the wider NHS
- Be recognised as a leading NHS Trust in applying research and adopting innovation to deliver the best patient care and to benefit the wider NHS.
We undertake high-quality, high value research that’s important to healthcare worldwide. We align our research with our vision for patient care, including caring for older people, people living with cancer, young babies and children and public health, and we address the challenges facing our hospital such as the length of time that patients stay in hospital.
Our Research Strategy positions us to take a role in leading and driving research locally, nationally and internationally. Follow us on Twitter at NNUH Research (@NNUHResearch) / Twitter