Funding for Research
Applying for Research Funding
If you are applying for a grant or funding to support research which will involve NNUH, please contact Michael Sheridan (01603) 287408, Research Grants Co-ordinator ( who will advise on the application process.
All grants which involve the UEA as an academic partner will be handled by the Joint Research Office and if this is applicable, you will be directed to the appropriate member of the team who will support your application. Applications which involve both organisations will be processed collaboratively.
If further information is required please contact the Researach Grants Co-ordinator. Please note that applications for NHS funding require R&D review and approval before submission, so please ensure you discuss your application with the Research Co-ordinator at the earliest opportunity and at least four weeks before the submission date.
Research Capability Funding
NIHR Research Capability Funding (RCF) is a research funding stream made available by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) to help research-active NHS organisations attract, develop and retain high quality research, clinical and support staff. To that aim, NNUH launched an NIHR RCF grant scheme, which can be used to:
- a) Fund Research Sessions/PAs (for medical and non-medical staff) to allow time to prepare one or more NIHR research grant applications; and/or
- b) Fund the generation of preliminary or underpinning data to support an NIHR application; a “pump-priming” grant.
The scheme will only fund studies which will directly generate data for NIHR grant applications, and applications should clearly illustrate the need for the research and its potential impact for the NHS. The maximum award per grant is £40,000. Grants for research sessions/PAs and pump-priming grants should last no longer than 12 months.
Contact the Research Co-ordinator for more information.