Information for the Public

Taking part in research as a volunteer helps companies develop new drugs and helps clinicians understand more about diseases. If you have a particular illness and you would like to find out about research taking place in that area, you should discuss this with your clinician or GP who can advise you on any current research taking place. Visit the UK Clinical Trials Gateway website for information about clinical research trials running in the UK.

Another valuable resource for information about public involvement in research can be found on the Health Research Authority website.

Take part in research

Norfolk has a clear track record of investment in Patient and Public Involement (PPI) in research going back as far as July 2003 when the Patient and Public Involvement In Research (PPIRes) project commenced in its pilot phase in Norwich, funded through the NNUH-hosted East Norfolk and Waveney Research Consortium.

Members of the PPIRes panel serve the whole of Norfolk and Suffolk and have good working links with their counterparts across the region. For example, PPIRes has been able to contribute to the training needs of its panel of lay representatives by supporting a series of five workshops on “Demystifying the World of Research – A Programme for Community Representatives active in healthcare research”. This workshop has been delivered across the East of England and has had financial contributions from NNUH, Addenbrookes, MHRN, DeNDRoN. This example of collaborative and regional working is one that the NNUH will continue to support and champion in its role as host of the Clinical Research Network (Eastern).

PPIRes plays an active role in training clinical and academic researchers to understand and use PPI approaches to their work and their members are now acting as co-investigators on NIHR studies, e.g. on NIHR Programme: Norfolk Diabetes Prevention Study.

As a result of this type of training and support, Norwich PPIRes panel members have presented and contributed to masterclasses on both the cross-sectoral Community Participation in Research/ Fulbright Visiting Scholar Programme 2013 and the Annual NHS R&D Forum meeting 2013. PPIRes partnership with the UEA means it offers Visiting Researcher Rights to all PPIRes volunteers who are actively involved in funded research projects.

Jacqueline Romero is the PPIRes Co-ordinator who works alongside the members of the Volunteer Panel – a group of informed and trained individuals from a range of backgrounds.

Contact Details

PPIRes Project Officer: Jacqueline Romero
Norfolk & Suffolk Primary & Community Care Research Office
NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group

Tel: 01603 257009

More information on PPIRes can be found here.

Why do researchers need PPIRes?

Involving PPIRes can help get research funded, since many funders now require demonstrable public involvement, and it can also bring a valuable alternative viewpoint from service users and carers.
PPIRes has been involved in many stages of research to date:

  • Defining the questions to be answered
  • Commenting on proposals and patient information documentation
  • Sitting on steering groups
  • Advising on the acceptability of study design
  • Debating ethical and governance issues
  • Serving on committees
  • Promoting lay interpretations of research
  • Promoting dissemination of research

EDI and PPIE strategies

We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion in everything we do. Diverse people and communities shape our research, and we strive to make opportunities to participate in research an integral part of everyone’s experience of health and social care services.

We develop researchers from multiple disciplines, specialisms, geographies and backgrounds, and work to address barriers to career progression arising from characteristics such as sex, race or disability.

Our Equality Diversity and Inclusion policy sets out the principles and action plan to improve and widen the access to research of staff and members of the public.

EDI strategy 2023 to 2028

Our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) strategy sets out the way we involve and engage with patients and members of the public to shape our research, building on past successes and learnings.

NIHR Norfolk CRF PPIE strategy