Sir Thomas Browne Library

The Sir Thomas Browne Library is a multidisciplinary healthcare library. We aim to provide a high quality and responsive library service to support NHS staff information needs and contribute to our high standards of patient care. We support clinical governance, professional development, teaching and learning, evidence-based practice, audit and research, current awareness, policy and guideline development and health and well-being.  We can help you find the information you need and decide how to apply it. Our knowledgeable staff can answer a quick query, undertake a full literature search or provide focused training.

The library is open to all Trust employees as well as local NHS and social care staff and students. If you would like to join the library, please visit us and complete a registration form. You will need to bring your Trust ID card or other proof of identity.

There is twenty four hour access to the Sir Thomas Browne Library for Trust staff with their NNUH ID badge. It’s always peaceful in the library so it’s the perfect place for study and reflection.

temp library map


In the library there are more than 10,000 books together with a small collection of other media covering all areas of healthcare and medicine, plus books supporting training courses such as leadership and management. Our “Special Collections” include books for leisure reading, Mood Boosting books and the books from the Reading Well “Books on Prescription” and “Books on Prescription for Dementia” collections.

Library members can borrow up to 5 books 24 hours a day from our self-service kiosk: you will need your library card and PIN to do this (please contact us if you have forgotten your PIN). Fines are charged on overdue books. Please remember to return or renew your books before their due date.

Use the ELMS library catalogue to search for, renew and reserve books. Choose NN from the drop-down list to search for books in the Sir Thomas Browne Library. We’re always buying new resources— please let us know if there’s something you think we should have.

Electronic resources @NNUH

Access an extensive range of online books, journals and other resources with  your NHS Athens account. NHS staff can self-register for an Athens account. Don’t forget to register using your NNUH email address so that you can enjoy all our resources. – quick links to information and resources available from East of England Healthcare Library and Knowledge Services, including NHS Athens, healthcare databases (HDAS), eBooks and eJournals. – regional healthcare library catalogue; log in to renew or reserve library books. – clinical search engine including full text access to hundreds of journals, thousands of books, topic pages and images. – clinical information resource designed to help you keep up to date with the latest evidence; includes overviews and recommendations, specialty content and UK drug information.

Do you need something that you can’t find in the library?

We can obtain photocopies or loans of nearly any book, report or journal article you may need through our interlibrary loan service. You can request books via ELMS. Please note there is a charge for our interlibrary loan service. We also offer a full literature searching service; we can search for a single piece of information or undertake a detailed literature search. These services are for NHS staff only.

We can often help you over the phone or by email. If you need something urgently, let us know and we’ll do our best.

Contact us:

Phone: 01603 286893 or internal ext 2893


Library staff are available:

Monday to Thursday 09:00—17:30  and Friday 09:00—17:00

Who was Sir Thomas Browne?

Sir Thomas Browne was an eminent physician who lived and worked locally (b. 1605, d. 1682). The first library at the old Norfolk and Norwich hospital was established in 1973 and named in his honour.  The current library contains the merged collections of both the old Norfolk and Norwich and West Norwich hospitals.