Easton Ward


To contact this ward

Tel: 01603 286286


Visiting us

Visiting hours are 8am to 8pm from 23 December.

About this ward

Easton ward is the admitting ward for patients with emergency surgical conditions.

You’ll come to this ward from Surgical SDEC, ED, out-patients clinics or another hospital.

EAUS accepts referrals for emergency surgical patients from GP’s, A&E, outpatient clinics and other hospitals, for several surgical specialties including General Surgery, Vascular, Urology, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Plastics, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT), Oromaxillo-facial, Opthamology, Thoracics and Dermatology.

As an emergency assessment area patients may be moved to another ward, we aim to move patients off the unit within 48hrs.

Easton comprises of 33 beds and an ambulance offload bay.

How to contact the ward

Tel: 01603 286286

How to Find Us

The ward is located on Level 3 in the Centre Block.
Please use the Inpatients West and Centre or Inpatients East and Centre entrance/s and follow the signs to Easton Ward.
If you are coming by car and need to park, the closest car park/s are K, L, M, N, O.

If the car park is full, spaces may be available in the public car park opposite A&E, which is operated independently.

See a map of the hospital and car parks.

See details of how to get to the hospital by car.

For details about how to find us, how to get here and information about accessibility (including images), please click on the icon below: