Hethel Ward


Visiting hours 8am-8pm from 23 December.


See our latest visiting guidance.


To contact this ward

Tel: 01603 286286

Special instructions

Hethel Ward is a busy respiratory ward and we sometimes have patients that carry contagious and air born infections.

We therefore strongly recommend that babies and children under 5 years old DO NOT visit the ward for their own safety, as their immune systems are still developing.

We also ask that visitors do not bring fresh flowers onto the ward as many respiratory patients are allergic to them.

Visitors are reminded to wash their hands on arrival, not to sit on hospital beds and try to keep only 2 visitors per patient at any one time.

If you have any questions that you need clarifying before you come to visit, please ring and ask for the nurse in charge who will assist you on 01603 286449.

To contact this ward

Tel: 01603 286286

How to find this ward

The ward is located on Level 3 in the East Block.
Please use the Inpatients East & Centre entrance/s and follow the signs to Hethel Ward.
If you are coming by car and need to park, the closest car park/s are K, L, and M.

If the car park is full, spaces may be available in the public car park opposite A&E, which is operated independently.

See a map of the hospital and car parks.

See details of how to get to the hospital by car.

For details about how to find us, how to get here, and information about accessibility (including images), please click on the icon below: