Council of Governors

Introducing the Council of Governors

Each NHS Foundation Trust must have a Council of Governors. Governors represent the interests of the members and any partner organisations in monitoring how services are developed and how the organisation is managed.

Our Council of Governors is constituted as follows:

  • The Chairman of the Board of Directors presides over the Council
  • 16 Public Governors are elected from the public membership
  • 6 Staff Governors are elected from the staff membership
  • 3 Partner Governors are nominated by the organisations they represent

The role of the governors is to:

  • Reflect the interests of members (staff and public governors)
  • Represent the interests of partner organisations (appointed governors)
  • Monitor the governance of the NHS Foundation Trust
  • Influence change and strategic development
  • Appoint the Chairman and non-executive directors

The Register of Interests gives details of each governor’s interests and memberships.

How can I contact my Governor?

Our Governors are keen to hear your views about the care we provide at our hospitals. You can send your comments or questions to our Governors by e-mail or post:

Post:  (no stamp required)

Membership Office
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Colney Lane

How can I find out more?

You can find out more about  becoming a Governor or contact the Membership Office:

Telephone Membership Manager Janice Bradfield on 01603 287634 or e-mail: