Before your surgery

Please let us know in advance of your admission and assessment if you have any difficulties with mobility or communication so we are able to assist where possible.

Before your surgery

You will have an assessment to check that you are fit enough for your procedure and that you have the required support at home afterwards. This may be carried out on the telephone or face to face with a nurse on the day procedure unit.

For information about taking food and drink before your operation, please click here.

Important information for parents/carers about your child’s /young person’s operation, please click here.

You may also need to see an anaesthetist. Any tests you require will usually be done at the same time. This may take several hours, so please be prepared.

You will be given information and leaflets during your appointment which can also be accessed here. These will answer many of your questions or concerns. Please ensure you have read all the information you are given before your admission.