On the day of your surgery

Please read the instructions that you have been given carefully.

Please have a shower or bath prior to your procedure.

If your operation is in the morning: Do not eat after midnight but you can have clear fluids up to 6am. Please take your normal medication (unless you have been told otherwise).

If your operation is in the afternoon: Have breakfast before 7am but you can have clear fluids up to 11am.

Do not eat sweets or chewing gum before your procedure.

What to bring

Although your stay in the Day Procedure Unit is quite short we suggest you bring the following with you:

  • painkillers to use at home after the operation
  • current medication
  • toiletries
  • slippers and dressing gown
  • something to read or do whilst waiting

Relatives and friends

Relatives and friends are welcome to accompany you to the hospital and can wait with you in the reception area. Once you are called to the ward area, your relatives or friends can either return home or make use of hospital refreshment facilities while they wait until you are ready to be collected.

This could be a considerable amount of time but will vary depending on the procedure you are having.