Community Midwifery Care

What we offer

During your pregnancy and following the birth of your baby you will be cared for by your local Community Midwifery Team. There are seven Midwifery teams in total and they cover a majority of Norfolk which is served by the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH). The Community Midwives will see you in a community clinic setting for a set number of routine appointments.

During your antenatal appointments, you will be offered several checks including blood pressure monitoring, urine testing, Carbon Monoxide monitoring, checking the growth and position of your baby, checking your baby’s heartbeat and blood tests. In addition to this your Community Team can offer support, advice and help you plan and signpost you to other services if needed.

How will I be referred?

To book for pregnancy care: Once you have confirmed your pregnancy with a positive test you can refer via the NNUH website pregnancy referral form.

Following completion of this form you are advised to call CallEEAST on 01603 481222 to book an appointment with a Community Midwife.

If you are less than six weeks pregnant, please wait until you are between six – eight weeks to call. If you are more than eight weeks pregnant at the time of referring, you are advised do this on the next working day.

In cases of pre-existing diabetes, you are advised to telephone Antenatal Clinic on 01603 286795, Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5pm where an appointment for the next clinic can be made for you, once you have completed the form.

Who will I see?

Your Community Midwifery Team consists of Community Midwives and Midwifery Care Assistants. Whilst efforts are made for you to see the same midwife as much as possible in pregnancy, the Community Midwifery service is not providing Continuity of Care teams at present.

In addition to this, a few midwives and call handlers are situated at CallEEAST to offer telephone support and advice when you have more urgent enquiries.

When does the clinic run?

All teams vary in when they offer clinic appointments however in most cases there will be at least one clinic running a week. Appointments are offered as per the recommendations of the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE).


Clinics are offered in a variety of locations in your area. Please be aware that you may not be able to access a midwife appointment at your local GP surgery due to some changes in where we deliver care over recent years. This may mean that you will have to travel to access midwifery appointments.

Contact details

To get in contact with your local Midwife/Midwifery team, you can call CallEEAST on 01603 481222. This number if for contacting a midwife if you query needs handling before your next community appointment.

External Links and videos

NHS website: Your pregnancy care Screening tests for you and your baby

NHS website: Video on antenatal scans

NHS website: Video on what to expect in pregnancy

Schedule of antenatal appointments