What to pack in your hospital bag

It can help to divide up your packing into two bags – pack one for labour and delivery and one for after baby arrives.


  • Hospital notes
  • Your birth plan if you have written one.
  • Any medicines that you normally take.
  • If you are diabetic, your blood sugar monitoring equipment.

Overnight packing essentials:

Think about being comfy.

  • What would you like to wear? – think old and loose for labour and something comfy to go home in.
  • Do you have a favourite pillow?
  • Socks for cold feet. Flannels for cooling heads.
  • Slippers or flip flops and a lightweight dressing gown if you have one.
  • ‘Easy Access’ nightwear, bras and tops to breastfeed.
  • Drinks bottle (easier than a cup).
  • Lip salve to stop dry lips getting sore.
  • Big old (or disposable) pants.
  • Spare glasses or contact lenses if you wear them.

You may want to freshen up during and after labour. Don’t forget to pack:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant.
  • Hair bits – hairbrush, hairbands or clips.
  • You will need maternity pads because it is normal to bleed (like a very heavy period) after baby arrives. You will need a couple of packs to start with.

You may also want to bring:

  • Phone and phone charger (an extra-long charging cable or battery pack can be useful).  Chargers can only be plugged into the wall sockets if they have been PAT tested. We also offer phone charger hire with a £10 returnable deposit, depending on availability.
  • An eye mask.
  • Snacks and drinks.
  • A handheld fan or water spray to keep cool.
  • Anything you want to bring to help you to relax and pass the time. Popular items include magazines, books and puzzle books.
  • A tablet or laptop.
  • We can provide towels but feel free to bring one if you prefer.
  • A spare bag for any washing.
  • A TENS machine if you have decided to use one for pain relief (with spare batteries).
  • Acupressure comb.
  • We have birthing balls available on the ward, so you do not need to bring your own.
  • Breast pads (buy more if you are going to breastfeed).

It can help to travel light on the wards as there is only a small amount of space to store luggage.  You may find it easier to swap out clothes during your stay your if your birth partner is able to help with this.

Don’t forget to remind your birth partner to pack things they may need too, including:

  • A change of clothes.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant.
  • Phone and charger.
  • Snacks and drinks.
  • Any medicines they are taking.
  • Spare glasses or contact lenses if they wear them.
  • Money for food and drinks.
  • Spare change for the car park and vending machine.

Essentials for baby

  • Pack a few Babygro’s and vests. Newborn clothes vary in size – take a couple of the smallest and a couple of the biggest you have.
  • Pack some baby clothes in your labour bag and some in your ‘after labour bag.’
  • Go for layers so that you can judge what your baby needs according to how warm they feel. Add in some hats and socks.
  • Take a couple of honeycomb blankets and bibs/muslin.
  • Lots of people like to have a special coming home outfit for the baby – but you don’t have to!
  • You will need to take nappies for baby and cotton wool for bottom wiping (baby wipes can make sensitive newborn skin sore).

If you are going to formula feed you will need to bring in bottles, teats and formula milk. A sterilising tank will be provided.

External Links and videos

Information about Staying on Cley Ward Overnight in a Supporter’s Role

Just One Norfolk: what to pack in a hospital bag