What we offer
As part of your routine pregnancy care, ultrasound scans will be offered to you at about 12 weeks and 20 weeks of pregnancy. You may be offered additional scans to monitor the wellbeing and growth of the baby.
Scans are used to check how far along you are in the pregnancy and check development. The scan also looks for possible problems with your baby.
Due to limited space in the scan rooms, you may only bring one person with you. Due to the nature of the scans, we ask that children do not attend.
How will I be referred?
You will be referred for your dating scan following completing the online maternity referral form. You do not have to have a scan if you do not wish to. Please discuss with your midwife or doctor if you require further information or wish to decline any scans.
Your midwife or doctor may recommend further scans and refer through the pregnancy.
Who will I see?
Scans are carried out by trained specialists called sonographers. You may also see a midwife sonographer – a midwife with specialist training to scan in pregnancy.
When does the clinic run?
The ultrasound department is open from 08:00 – 17:00, Monday to Friday
The antenatal ultrasound department is located on West Outpatients, Level 3, at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.
Contact details
01603 286794 08:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday