Hospital Arts Project

Our Hospital Arts Project plays an important role in providing a positive healthcare setting and healing environment for our patients, staff and visitors through a wide-ranging programme of arts.
These programmes include visual arts and crafts, interior design, events, performances and workshops, as well as external arts and design including sculpture, seating and gardens. We also care for the hospital’s collection of historic artefacts.
All our projects are funded by grants from organisations and charitable donations, no money is taken from healthcare budgets. The raising of external funding is essential for our work and we are extremely grateful to all of those who provide financial assistance for our projects. Your support is invaluable.
The Hospital Arts Project enjoys the full support of the NHS Trust and our PFI partners, Octagon and Serco, and is given direction and enthusiasm from an active Steering Committee. A group of volunteers contribute effectively to the projects and we enjoy tremendous support from our Patrons.
Contact Details
Emma Jarvis, Hospital Arts Coordinator
Telephone: 01603 287870