Jenny Lind Outpatients

How to find us

JL foillow lighthouse

Our children’s outpatient department is on Level 2, West block outpatients within the Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital.

Follow the picture of the striped lighthouse which takes you to the Jenny Lind Outpatients reception desk.

There is a large waiting/play area with a variety of toys and books and a couple of smaller waiting areas. There can be as many as eight clinics running at any time so it can be quite busy. Most children will be seen in this clinic area for their appointment with some exceptions e.g. some ear, nose and throat, and some orthopaedic problems.

You may attend one of our specialist clinics, some examples of these are:

At clinic you will be booked in by one of our receptionists, you may have your height and weight measured by one of our healthcare assistants. Your appointment will be with a doctor or a specialist nurse, but you may also see a dietitian, play specialist or physiotherapist. You may need to go to another department for investigations such as x-rays or blood tests, these will be explained to you at the time.

Baby Changing Facilities

There are baby changing facilities available in the Jenny Lind Outpatient Department, CAU and CDW for all visitors to the department to use.

If you require changing facilities for older children please approach a member of staff and they will source a suitable space for you to use. We are able to provide the use of a hoist should you require it.

We also have a hoist available to use which can weigh children who are unable to stand or sit on scales.

If you have any questions or concerns about the facilities or equipment available to you please approach a member of the nursing staff who will be very happy to assist you.