Frequently Asked Questions
How is Psychology linked to health?
Experiencing health problems can affect children and families’ lives in many different ways. Having health problems can change the way people feel about themselves and their bodies.
Their lifestyle can change and people may experience feelings of loss if they have to give up school or hobbies. It may be a struggle to find the same enjoyment that they used to have in life.
People may also be faced with difficult choices about treatment. This can bring about changes in mood, such as anxiety and / or depression. People may feel anger or frustration. These are all very normal feelings. Health problems can also affect family life and relationships.
What is a Clinical Psychologist?
Clinical Psychologists are health professionals who have been trained to apply their psychological knowledge in practical ways to help people with personal, emotional and health related problems. They have undergone higher specialist training.
What does seeing a Clinical Psychologist involve?
Clinical Psychologists provide talking therapy using a range of psychological approaches. We do not prescribe medication to patients. In the first appointment you will be asked about the history of your medical care, the way your illness affects your life at the moment and how you are coping with it. You will also be asked some background information. You and your Clinical Psychologist can then decide whether further appointments are needed. Initial appointments can last up to one and a half hours, and routine appointments usually last one hour.
How is confidentiality observed?
What you discuss in an appointment is confidential. However, a Clinical Psychologist would routinely write to the MDT team and referrer to inform them of the outcome of your appointment. If you have any questions about confidentiality then you can discuss this with a Clinical Psychologist.
The Psychologist would break confidentiality only if there was a serious risk of harm to you or to other people.