Bereavement Support

What we offer

The Norfolk and Norwich Hospital Maternity department provides a team of specialist Midwives and Doctors to help you following the loss of your baby.

We have a designated bereavement suite to enable you to spend time with your baby following the birth.

We offer individualised care including follow up telephone calls, home visits and Consultant follow up appointments.

How will I be referred?

After the loss of your baby an automatic referral will be made to the bereavement midwives if you are 18 weeks pregnant or more and to the bereavement nurse if you are less than 18 weeks pregnant at the time of your loss.

Who will I see?

There are Specialist Midwives and a Specialist Consultant Obstetrician in the team. You will also receive care from the delivery suite Midwives, Community Midwives and the Chaplaincy service.


You and your family will be cared for in our designated bereavement suite ‘The Meadow Suite’ if it is available and the care will continue following your discharge home.

The Bereavement team 01603 287110 Monday to Friday 8:30 – 16:30


External links and videos