Skylark Team

What we offer

Our Maternity Department provides a specialised clinic to support women and birthing people who are vulnerable for any reason in pregnancy.

This may be due to current or previous mental health concerns, recent migration to the UK and difficulties with language or access to care, teenage pregnancy, drug and alcohol use, or any other reason where more support in pregnancy may be recommended following booking with your community midwife.

Care is non-judgemental and the team aim to empower women and birthing people to have positive experiences in pregnancy and labour to build healthy and happy families for the future.

How will I be referred?

Routinely women and birthing people are referred following booking with their community Midwife, but the team will also consider referrals from a range of sources including community mental health teams, health visitors, peer supporters and a wide range of health a social care agencies.

Who will I see?

Vulnerable women’s clinic is led by a Consultant Obstetrician and the Skylark team of Midwives. They are also supported by a Consultant Psychiatrist, our resident doctors and by a wealth of care practitioners from the perinatal mental health service.

When does the clinic run?

0900 -1300hrs every Monday (except bank holidays)


In the Antenatal Clinic of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Outpatients, Level 3 West Block.

Contact details

01603 289931 Monday – Friday 08:00 – 17:00

External links and videos