Twins and Multiples Clinic
What we offer
A clinic which includes Midwives, Doctors and Sonographers who specialise in multiple pregnancy. You will be offered extra antenatal checks and ultrasound growth scans to monitor your babies more closely. The team will offer information about what to expect from a multiple pregnancy and a detailed plan of care.
How will I be referred?
Referral to the clinic will be made by the midwife at booking or by the ultrasound department following the diagnosis of a multiple pregnancy.
Who will I see?
Consultant obstetrician or Senior specialist doctor and Specialist Midwife.
When does the clinic run?
The Twins and multiples clinic runs every Thursday morning.
The Fetal Medicine Clinic, West Outpatients, level 3, NNUH
Contact details
Antenatal Clinic 01603 286795 08:00-16:30