Rainbow Clinic

What we offer

The Rainbow Clinic at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital is made up of a team of specialist Midwives and Doctors with the aim of providing Specialist antenatal care for women and their families who have experienced a stillbirth or neonatal death.

The clinic provides preventative treatment where possible to minimise risks to the baby in the current pregnancy and this is provided on a schedule that is individualised to provide in depth checks using advanced ultrasound techniques to help make decisions about the timing of birth.

The team are focused on supporting your wellbeing and have close links to mental health services for those experiencing trauma symptoms and in addition can provide an opportunity for referral to specialist health visiting team for enhanced postnatal support.

How will I be referred?

On completing the booking appointment at 8-10 weeks the community midwife will refer those with a history of stillbirth and neonatal death to Antenatal clinic for Consultant Led Care.

At this appointment a doctor will review with you, your experience and where appropriate, instigate the Rainbow pathway of care.

Who will I see?

There are two Rainbow Consultant Obstetricians, a Midwife Sonographer, Rainbow Research Midwife and Specialist Rainbow Midwifery team. The team also has administration and secretarial support.

When does the clinic run?

Rainbow Clinic runs on a Wednesday afternoon.


Fetal Medicine Department at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Level 3 West Block.

Contact details

To contact Rainbow Clinic please call the Antenatal Clinic on 01603 287743 Monday – Friday 08.00 – 17.00

External Links and videos