Day case procedures

Following an out-patient appointment with a pain management clinician, you may be added to the waiting list for a daycase procedure.

If assessed as suitable by a clinician; procedures can include lumbar or cervical epidural or medial branch blocks, nerve root injections, radiofrequency denervation or pulsed radiofrequency, qutenza or neuromodulation treatment.

For further information, the Faculty of Pain Medicine website provides patient information leaflets and information regarding some of these treatments.

Procedures are routinely performed in the Day Procedure Unit at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital or at Cromer Hospital in the Muriel Thoms Procedure Unit.

After being added to the waiting list, the booking teams will offer a date for your procedure. You can contact them directly on:

  • Pain Management Waiting List Co-ordinators, NNUH: 01603 289375
  • Pain Management Waiting List Co-ordinators, Cromer Hospital: 01603 646277

The waiting list co-ordinator will provide further details at the time of booking, however please see the below  patient information leaflets for patients who have a pain procedure: