Our services

The Pain Management Service is a multi-disciplinary out-patient service, helping people living with long-term (sometimes called “chronic”) pain.

Appointments are available face-to-face, via the telephone or via video link. We are unable to visit people in their own home.

All patients have an initial appointment with a clinical team member, who may be a Consultant, Specialist Physiotherapist or Specialist Nurse. We offer a full assessment and explanation of their pain, with advice about medication and/ or injections if appropriate. Injections are given at NNUH and Cromer.

Depending on their pain condition, patients may also be offered:

  • Review in a complex spinal clinic, with a Pain Consultant, Spinal Surgeon and Specialist Physiotherapist
  • Medication review and trouble-shooting in a Nurse clinic
  • Opioid clinic – for patients on complex or high dose opioid treatment, with input from specialist substance misuse services
  • Consideration of implant of a spinal cord stimulator (“neuromodulation”) in specialised cases where other options have been unsuccessful.

Many people find difficulties living with long-term pain and can be supported by our large multi-disciplinary team (including Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Clinical Psychologists).

You may be offered appointments individually or in a group. Education is essential to understanding how to use self-management strategies to manage pain. Depending on your presentation, you may be offered a variety of education options.

Education sessions include:

  • Pain management seminars: a short introduction into self-management of long-term pain
  • Opiate awareness: do you understand the medicines that you are taking?
  • Sleep and relaxation: top tips for a good night’s sleep – an introduction to relaxation strategies
  • Mindful movement / an introduction to mindfulness: how to increase activity levels using mindfulness as a guide
  • A pain management programme: a high intensity, in-depth education programme lasting 8-10 weeks, developing the principles of self-management.

Who are we and what do we do?

Our acute pain team is integrated with the Pain Management Centre and consists of a team of eight specialist nurses who work alongside our pain consultants. The nurses are able to assess and manage acute and chronic pain. We’re here to:

  • advise on inpatient acute pain management for all patients
  • regularly review all patients with an epidural, paravertebral and local anaesthetic infusion
  • undertake regular review of acute inpatient pain problems
  • undertake formal and informal education of ward-based staff in clinical areas
  • undertake audit and participate in research, write policies and guidelines for pain management
  • develop policies and guidelines for pain management
  • deliver formal education for all disciplines with medical colleagues and other healthcare professionals
  • liaise with consultant anaesthetists with overall responsibility for acute pain management