Going Home After Surgery
Time For Home
The surgeon and anaesthetist will assess all children postoperatively prior to discharge and they will also discuss how long your child should be off school. This will be at least 24hours for all children but will be longer for others depending on the procedure.
When the nurse and you as parent/carer are happy your child will be discharged home. At this point all post-op information will be discussed and backed up with written information. A copy of the GP’s discharge letter will be given to you as the parent/carer. This will have all information such as analgesia and other medication, how and when this should be given, information regarding dressings and sutures if appropriate. Also in this letter will be an overnight contact number should there be any concerns after discharge. Follow up appointment will be given on discharge or requested to be sent on if appropriate.
The day after surgery
All parents/carers will receive a phone call from a nurse the day following surgery. This is to check that your child is recovering well and if there are any worries/concerns the nurse will assess these and refer to medical team for advice should the need arise.