Pelvic and Maternal Health Physiotherapy

Who we are

The pelvic and maternal health physiotherapy team (formerly the women’s health physiotherapy team) care for women with obstetric (pregnancy) physiotherapy problems who are to deliver at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. The team also sees women, men and children with bladder or bowel symptoms, as well as women with prolapse symptoms.

Where we are

We have two treatment areas at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. You will be informed which area to come to when you book your appointment. These are:

Physiotherapy Department
Level 4
Outpatients East

Gynaecology Outpatients
Level 3
Outpatients West

Maternal Health Physiotherapy

The pelvic and maternal health physiotherapy team aims to provide physiotherapy support to women through their experience of pregnancy, childbirth, and the early post-natal period.

Making an appointment

physio obstetric

Women who are currently pregnant, or who have had a baby in the last three months, can self-refer to our physiotherapy help line for problems with muscles or joints if they are using the maternity services at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. This includes:

These videos provide advice and exercises for women with low back pain or pelvic girdle during pregnancy. They should enable you to manage this yourself, and make you more comfortable. If you have been advised not to exercise by a health care professional, please seek advice before starting these.

Advice on posture, daily activities and pelvic floor muscle exercises

Advice for sleeping

Exercises with or without a gym ball

Call the helpline on 01603 287130

Please leave the following information on our 24 hour answer phone:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Hospital number – a seven digit number on the top right hand corner of your hospital sticker on your handheld notes
  • How many weeks pregnant/post-natal you are
  • Contact telephone numbers during working hours
  • A brief description of the problem.

The answer phone is checked regularly during the working day, and we will telephone you to discuss your condition and book an appointment if needed.

Your obstetric physiotherapy appointment

Please make sure you know which treatment area your appointment is in

  • Bring your maternity handheld notes
  • Wear something comfortable to move about in – you may need to remove some clothing so that the physiotherapist can assess you.
  • If you would like to bring a family member along you are welcome to do so. If you will be bringing your baby with you, please use a pushchair or car seat for them. It may be helpful to bring snacks or toys to keep young children occupied during your appointment.


The team sees women on the post-natal ward for advice and exercises for abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, along with any muscle or joint problems.

Pelvic health physiotherapy

We aim to provide a sensitive and supportive service for patients with bladder, bowel, pain or prolapse symptoms. Patients may be referred by their GP or a consultant.


Your appointment

You should receive a letter or phone call to invite you to book your initial appointment which will last approximately 45 minutes, and will include a discussion about your lifestyle, work and medical history. The appointment may include a physical examination after a discussion with the physiotherapist. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative to your appointment. If you are a woman having a menstrual period on the day of your first appointment you should still attend for physiotherapy.

Follow-up appointments

Most patients have three or four physiotherapy appointments at monthly intervals, although some need more and some require fewer appointments. The physiotherapist will keep your doctors informed of your progress.


The team sees women on Cley ward who have had major gynaecological surgery including Hysterectomy and prolapse repairs. You should have received an exercise leaflet before you come in to hospital. The physiotherapist will help you with the exercises after your surgery, and advise you on returning to your normal activities.

Advice after gynaecological abdominal surgery

Advice following laparoscopic or vaginal surgery