Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The MRI Department at the NNUHFT has four MRI scanners across two sites, with one 1.5T GE360 scanner at Cromer District Hospital and three MRI scanners at the Norwich site (a 1.5T Siemens Avanto and a 1.5T GE Signa HDxT), and in the new building, a 3T wide bore GE 750w. You may also have your MRI scan in one of our mobile vans, located around the hospital site.
We scan a variety of patients, including NHS inpatients, outpatients and GP patients, and private patients, as well as undertaking research scans. All of our inpatient work is carried out on our 1.5T and the 3T wide bore scanners. For more information on what is involved in an MRI scan, please read our leaflet.
Our specialist imaging services include:
- Small Bowel studies – see leaflet Small Bowel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan (MRI) for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
- Cardiac MRI
- Breast MRI
- Musculoskeletal (MSK)
- Neurological (brain)
- Radiotherapy planning
- Oncological (cancer scanning)
- Dynamic scans: liver, peripheral angiography (blood vessels), renal scans (kidneys), cardiac perfusion and breast.
- Paediatric scans.
- MRI Under General Anaesthetic.
We offer appointments for GP and outpatients from 7.30am to 8pm, with some appointments offered at weekends as well. Inpatients are scanned 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, with 24 hour on-call facilities for emergency spinal injury, spinal cord compression and other spinal injury / acute disease scans. We have a leaflet on what to expect when you have your MRI scan. An Easy Read version is also available. We also regularly scan children – this leaflet is for your child.
If your child is having an MRI scan under general anaesthetic or oral sedation, the following leaflets may be helpful: