Orthoptics Department

Orthoptists are Allied Health Professionals who are registered with the Health Profession Council and form part of the eye care team. Orthoptists generally work closely together with Ophthalmologists and Optometrists in diagnosing and treating visual problems, squints (strabismus), eye co-ordination and eye movement disorders. The work involves seeing patients of all ages from infants to the older generation.

Both our paediatric and adult ocular motility service is led by Mr Narman Puvanachandra, Consultant Paediatric Ophthalmologist and Fiona Grady Head Orthoptist.

Visit the Orthoptic Clinic page

We also provide an orthoptic service for the following:

• Paediatric Clinic at Cromer Hospital

Led by Mr Puvanachandra and Deputy Head Orthoptist Tracey Salisbury

• Visual Impairment Clinic

Orthoptist will liaise with the paediatrician, paediatric ophthalmologist and sensory support to ensure the family are supported and have access to the services they require.

• Visual Screening

Visual screening is carried out by School Nurses who are trained by orthoptists. Referrals then come direct to the Paediatric clinic.

• Visual Screening service for Down’s Syndrome

All children will be assessed between 18 and 24 months any problems found will result in referral to the paediatric eye clinic. Children who pass the assessment will be followed up again at 4 ½ years of age.

• Visual Screening and Paediatric Clinics at five special schools around Norfolk

An orthoptist will assess first then refer to the ophthalmologist if any problems found and all of which will be carried out at the school during term time.

• Stroke Service

The stroke specialist orthoptist receives referrals from the multidisciplinary stroke team for patients who have specific vision problems following a stroke, such as double vision, blurred vision and/or  peripheral visual loss. The orthoptist may assess patients on the stroke ward or in the orthoptic department as an out-patient.

  • Children’s Amblyopia Filter Eye (CAFÉ) Clinic

This clinic is primarily a fast track clinic for children referred by the visual screening service with reduced vision. The clinic is run by an experienced orthoptist and optometrist as the vast majority of these patients will only require glasses and/or occlusion therapy.


Orthoptists also perform Goldmann Visual Fields at the request of the ophthalmologists and consultants from other departments. Goldmann Driving Fields are also carried out at the request of the DVLA.

The orthoptic department is a teaching department for undergraduate orthoptic students and a range of medical students and other health professions. We will always ask your permission to be tested by a student, who is always supervised by a trained member of staff.