Caring with PRIDE: Our plan for the next five years
Caring with PRIDE: Our plan for the next five years
Caring with PRIDE is our new corporate strategy, which sets out our vision for how, over the next five years, we will transform our services, improve care for our patients, deliver improvements alongside our partners and ensure that NNUH is a great place to work.
Read our five-year corporate strategy here or click on the image.
We’ve called it “Caring with PRIDE” to reflect the values that underpin everything we do and and the way we support our patients and their loved ones.
It’s formed of five commitments to Our Patients, Our NNUH Team, Our Partners, Our Services and Our Resources.
Our People and Culture Strategy brings together all the elements of the People Promise in a five-year plan.
Engagement and Feedback summary report
We have also shared an engagement summary document which describes how we reached out to our patients, families and carers, our staff, our community and our partners to ask for your feedback and views to help draft the Corporate Strategy.
Read our engagement summary here or click on the image.
The summary gives feedback highlights and explains some of the changes made as a result of the communications and engagement work which took place over more than six months.