Repatriation of a patient to NNUH

Repatriation of a patient to the NNUH from either overseas or from another Trust in the UK needs to follow a standardised process. Before transfer of care can be completed and the patient repatriated to the NNUH, an accepting consultant at the receiving Trust must be identified and agree to take over the patient’s care.

To ensure the most appropriate consultant is assigned to the patient, it is imperative that this conversation happens internally within the receiving Trust.

If you need to transfer a patient to the NNUH from with the UK or overseas, please contact the switchboard on 01603 286286 and ask to speak to the Site Matron regarding a repatriation. The Site Matron will direct your call to the appropriate consultant. Please do not send the patient to the NNUH until this conversation has taken place and you have received written clearance. This will be in the form of an email from the consultant at the NNUH informing you of whether your patient has been accepted and the location of where the ambulance should take the patient to, on their arrival at the NNUH.