Patient Leaflets A-Z
- Abdominal Colposuspension V8
- Abdominal Rectopexy for Rectal Prolapse v4
- Abidec Drops V6
- ACE Inhibitors v8
- Achilles Tendinopathy v6
- Active Cycle of Breathing Technique v5
- Acupuncture Treatment for Pain Relief in Musculoskeletal Conditions 7
- Adult Urodynamics Bladder and Urinary Tract Tests and Investigations v8
- Advice following a Ph Study v4
- Advice for Patients on Correct Labelling of Samples for Microbiology and Blood Sciences v6
- Advice for Rheumatology patients prescribed Biologics by intravenous infusion V2.2
- Advice for Rheumatology patients prescribed Biologics by self-injection v4.2
- Advice for Young Persons Having An Operation v6
- Advice Sheet for First Seizure Child/Young Person v7
- Advice When Eating and Drinking with Acknowledged Risks v4
- After Your Operation for Prolapse and Incontinence V5
- Alternatives to Female Sterilisation M13b
- Amblyopia Lazy Eye in Children V6
- Ambulatory Urodynamic Tests v9
- Aminosalicylates – 5 ASAs for Inflammatory Bowel Disease 6
- Amniocentesis V10
- Amputation booklet version V10
- Anaesthesia For Caesarean Section V7
- Ankle Ligament Injuries v6
- Anorectal Physiology Tests V9
- Anterior Sphincter Repair v5
- Anti-embolism Stockings 6
- Anticoagulation – A Patients Guide v12
- Antiplatelets v10
- Aortic Abdominal Aneurysm AAA and travel. v5
- Aorto Bi-femoral Surgery v10
- Apraxia of Speech Information Leaflet v5
- Aquatic Physiotherapy Sessions v11
- Argon Laser Photocoagulation v3
- Arthritis of the Ankle Joint v6
- Arthritis of the Big Toe Joint Hallux Rigidus v6
- Arthrogram Examination v6
- Arthroscopy V4
- Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia AIHA v4
- Axillary Dissection Skin Tumour Unit V5.2
- Axillo Bi-femoral Surgery v9
- Baby Bereavement Support Leaflet 9
- Baby Hip Screening – A Parent’s Guide V1
- Barium Examination Aftercare Leaflet v7
- Barium Follow Through Examinations V5
- Barium Meal Examination V5
- Barium Swallow Examination v6
- BDA Food Factsheet – Salt v5
- Biofeedback and Bowel Retraining v6
- Bladder Augmentation and Mitrofanoff v6
- Bleb Needling V6
- Bleeding after Tonsillectomy Adults v7
- Bleeding after Tonsillectomy Children v3
- Blepharitis v10
- Blepharoplasty v5
- Blood Glucose Targets in Children and Young people with Type 1 Diabetes v.2.1
- Bone Conduction Hearing Implant BCHI Pre-Surgical Planning V5
- Bottle Feeding Your Baby V6
- Botulinum Toxin Botox A in the Treatment of Refractory Detrusor Overactivity v6
- Bowel Cancer Screening Programme – Picolax treatment afternoon appointments v7
- Bowel Cancer Screening Programme – Picolax Treatment for Morning Appointments v8
- Breast Care Service – Your Operation and Recovery V5
- Breast Reduction Surgery v8
- Breast Screening Assessment Clinic v5
- Breathlessness Service v6 The
- Brief Resolved Unexplained Event BRUE V1
- British Society of Interventional Radiology – Radiological inserted gastrostomy RIG V3
- British Society of Interventional Radiology – Thrombolysis V3
- British Society of Interventional Radiology -Transarterial chemoembolisation TACE V3
- BSIR – Angioplasty and Stent Insertion 4
- BSIR – Antegrade Ureteric Stent Insertion v6
- BSIR – Bronchial Artery Embolisation v6
- BSIR – Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement v6
- BSIR – Percutaneous Nephrostomy v4
- BSIR – Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram PTC and Drainage V3
- BSIR – Sclerotherapy for Vascular Malformations v3
- BSIR – Transjugular liver biopsy V3
- BSIR – Varicocele Embolisation V3
- Buckle fracture Information Leaflet V1
- Bunions Hallux Valgus v6
- Buxton Ward V5
- Calcium v4
- Calcium Channel Blockers v10
- Cancer and Money Worries v2
- Cancer of the Cervix V8
- Cancer of the Ovary v9
- Cancer of the Uterus v8
- Cancer of the Vagina V8
- Cancer of the Vulva v13
- Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae CPE Contact Information Leaflet v5
- Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae CPE Positive Information Leaflet v4
- Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae CPE Screening Information Leaflet v4
- Carer Administration of Medicines on Buxton Ward v5
- Caring for a Nephrostomy Tube at Home v6
- Caring for Your Child in a Hip Spica v9
- Carotid Endarterectomy V13
- Cataract Surgery Pre-Operative Information Cromer Hospital v9
- Cataract Surgery v7
- Cerebral Function Monitoring v4
- Chest Pain in Children Discharge Information Leaflet V1
- Chest X-ray Examination Version 11
- Chicken Pox Discharge Information Leaflet V1
- Children’s Cancer – Psychology Service Information for Families v7
- Children’s Section: Dietary Information During Investigations for Coeliac Disease in Childhood V5
- Children’s Urodynamic Bladder and Urinary Tract Tests and Investigations v10
- Children’s Emergency Department CHED Diarrhoea and Vomiting D&V Discharge Information Leaflet V1
- Children’s Emergency Department CHED Irritable Hip Discharge Information Leaflet v1
- Children’s Privacy Notice
- Choosing Where to have Your Baby v6
- Chorionic Villus Sampling CVS V9
- Chronic Venous Leg Ulcers v7
- Circumcision Child – Day Procedure v8
- Circumcision v5
- Clostridioides difficile Infection information for patients V11
- Colonoscopy Daycase v12
- Colostomy Irrigation v6
- Complaints Procedure v10
- Computed Tomography CT Information Version 6
- Consent for Treatment and Parental Responsibility children and young people under the age of 18 years v3.2
- Constipation Discharge Information Leaflet V1
- Contact Information: Paediatric Oncology Team v5.1
- Contact Lens Wear – Keeping Your Eyes Healthy v6
- Corneal Endothelial Transplant Surgery v5
- Corneal Transplant Information for Patients v5
- Cough Suppression V3
- Cows-Milk Free Diet for Breast Feeding Mums 7
- Cromer Dialysis Unit v8
- Croup Discharge Information Leaflet V1
- Cryotherapy for Retinal Tear V2
- CT Computed Tomography Colonoscopy Aftercare Information Sheet V5
- CT Computed Tomography Guided Biopsy Information Sheet v4
- CT Virtual Colonoscopy Version 7
- Cubital Tunnel Release v5
- Cyclodiode Laser for Glaucoma v6
- Cystogram Examination V7
- Cystoscopy Procedure Information V9
- Cystoscopy under general/spinal anaesthetic v3
- Decision Making when your Swallow is Unsafe v3
- Declining blood products or a blood transfusion in pregnancy or after childbirth v8
- Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT – A Patients Guide v5
- Delormes Operation for Rectal Prolapse 4
- Dementia and Food v9
- Diabetes Feeding Your Baby and You: for use in Maternity Services V2
- Diabetes – Conversion to Insulin: Dietary Advice 6
- Diabetes – Low Carbohydrate Snacks 7
- Diagnostic Laparoscopy V8
- Diet and diverticular disease v5
- Different Food Textures for Children v10
- Digestion Problems: Low Fibre Diet v4
- Digestive Problems – Diarrhoea v6
- Diphencyprone Cream for the treatment of melanoma metastases v9
- Disabled toilet and changing facilities
- Discharge advice following a laparoscopic gynaecological procedure v5
- Discharge Information Following Bowel Surgery V5
- Discharge Information Leaflet for Children with Wheeze V1
- Driving and Your Medication – Lithuanian v6.1
- Driving and Your Medication – Polish v6.1
- Driving and Your Medication – Portuguese v6.1
- Driving and Your Medication 8
- Dummies Soothers and Pacifiers 6
- Dysarthria V6
- Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit EPAU V4
- Easy read: How to stop falls in hospital
- Easy Read: Patient satisfaction survey
- Ectropion V6
- Efudix leaflet with pictures V4
- Electromyography EMG / Nerve Conduction Studies NCS v7
- Emergency Department – Important Information for Adults Following Your Sedation v3
- Endometrial Biopsy v7
- Endoscopic Ultrasound v9
- Enema v4
- Entropion v5
- Epidural – Discharge Advice for Patients v9
- Epidural Information Card V1
- ERCP – Post Procedure Advice Sheet v7
- ERCP Day Case v10
- ESBLs Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases information for patients relatives and carers v10
- Essential Guide to Feeding and Caring for your Baby 2020 v8.1 The
- Examination of the Lymph Glands Inside the Chest – Mediastinoscopy 9
- Examination of the Newborn and Advice on Discharge v7
- Excision of a Hydrocele 9
- Excision of Ganglion v7
- Exercise Classes – Intermittent Claudication 11
- Expressing your Breastmilk in the Antenatal Period v3
- Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases ESBLs information for patients relatives and carers – LARGE PRINT 5
- Eye Injection for Macular Disorders Information for Patients v11
- Face Coverings for Hearing Aid Users v2
- Feeling Your Baby Move – National Leaflet v2
- Femoro-Femoral-Illio-Femoral Cross Over Bypass Graft v10
- Femoro-Popliteal Distal Bypass Grafts v10
- Fever Advice Sheet for Children 0-5 years v5
- Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing FEES v6
- Finger Foods 8
- Flexible Cystoscopy +/- Biopsy or Stent Removal in DPU v5
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Bowel Cancer Screening Programme v6
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Gastroenterology Unit V12
- Flow Rate and Ultrasound Tests and Investigations in Children v8
- Food Allergy Action Plan without autoinjector 8
- Food Allergy Action Plan – How to give EpiPen v6
- Food Allergy Action Plan with Jext Injector 10
- Food Challenges and Supervised Feeds v3
- Food labelling and nutrition information v4
- Foot and Ankle Surgery v6
- Forehead Flap Reconstruction V4
- Foreign body Discharge Information Leaflet V1
- Formula Feeding: Top Tips for Parents V5
- Fracture of the Clavicle collarbone in children v1
- Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease & Fundoplication Surgery version 7
- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours GIST V6
- Gastroscopy OGD v9
- General Information for patients having a local anaesthetic DPU V9
- Gestational Diabetes- patient information leaflet V6
- Glaucoma Surgery Trabeculectomy at Cromer Hospital V4
- Glaucoma Surgery Trabeculectomy at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital v4
- Going Home after your Breast Reconstruction the DIEP/SIEA Flap v11
- Going Home after your Breast Reconstruction the Latissimus Dorsi Flap v11
- Going Home after your Breast Reconstruction the PAP/IGAP Flap v10
- Golfer’s Elbow v8
- Groin Dissection v4.2
- Guidance for Women returning home after being given Propess® to induce their labour v3
- Guide to the EEG v5 A
- Guide to using aromatherapy in your labour 4 A
- Haemodialysis Access – fistula refusal v3
- Hand and Elbow Surgery Under Regional Anaesthesia v5
- Having A Blood Test 5
- Having a Dacryocystorhinostomy DCR 4
- Having a Local or Regional Anaesthetic v5
- Having an MRI Scan under General Anaesthetic Children – Information for Parents and Carers v3
- Having an MRI Scan under Oral Sedation Children – Information for Parents and Carers V3
- Having Breast Screening Easy Read v6
- Head and Neck Cancer – What Happens Next? v4
- Head injury Discharge Information Leaflet V1
- Headache after Epidural or Spinal Anaesthetic v4
- Headache Discharge Information Leaflet V1
- Healthy Eating for 6-12 year olds v8
- Healthy Eating for Reactive Hypoglycaemia v7
- Healthy Eating for Teenagers v9
- Healthy Eating for the under 5’s v7
- Healthy Eating: Herbs and Spices 7
- Healthy Lunchboxes v6
- Heart murmurs in healthy newborn babies v5
- Help with your medicines after leaving hospital v8
- Herniotomy v8
- Hip Fracture V9
- Holmium Laser Prostatectomy HoLEP v9
- Home Care for Peripheral Intravenous Cannulae V5
- House Dust Mite Information v6.1
- How do you know if a child is overweight/obese? Does it really matter? v6
- How to Clean Your Teeth V6
- How to Look After Your Perineum After Having a Baby v4
- How to make a complaint or raise your concerns easy read version v8
- How to Take a Midstream Specimen of Urine MSU v5
- How to use a small volume spacer v5
- Hydrocele Repair Child Day Procedure Unit v4
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum V6
- Hypospadias V7
- Hysterectomy V11
- Hysteroscopic Resection of Uterine Polyps and Fibroids V7
- Iliac and Femoral Endarterectomy & Patch Plasty v9
- Impaired Consciousness Following Brain Injury v4
- Important Information for Parents/Carers about your child’s/young person’s operation v13
- Important Information for patients attending for Breast Imaging v4
- Induction of labour – a brief overview v2
- Induction of Labour Patient Information Leaflet v2
- Infant Feeding Specialist Referral Clinic: Patient Information V5
- Infection Prevention and Control Patients and Visitors Guide V7
- Information about CT scans easy-read V5
- Information about MRI scans Easy Read v3.0
- Information about Pregnancy Testing for Teenage Girls with Abdominal Pain v5
- Information about Seasonal Influenza ‘Flu for Patients Relatives and Carers 2
- Information about staying on Cley ward overnight in a supporter’s role v4
- Information about your Syringe Driver V6
- Information following discharge from Children’s ED and Cromer Minor Injuries Unit Following an un-displaced Finger Fracture up to age 12 V1
- Information following discharge from Children’s ED and Cromer MIU Following a Wrist injury with a suspected Scaphoid bone injury up to age 12 V1
- Information following discharge from Children’s Emergency Department and Cromer Minor Injuries Unit Following a Soft Tissue Elbow Injury up to age 12 V1
- Information following discharge from Children’s Emergency Department and Cromer Minor Injuries Unit following a Soft Tissue Knee Injury up to age 12 V1
- Information Following Discharge from Children’s Emergency Department and Cromer Minor Injuries Unit Following an Ankle injury up to age 12 V1
- Information for Breastfeeding Families – Baby’s Second Day v4
- Information for Mothers following the birth of a baby – Signs and symptoms of serious illness v6
- Information for Parents / Carers of a Baby referred with a Suspected Restrictive Lingual Frenulum Tongue-Tie v19
- Information for parents/carers of children and young people with complex health needs coming into the Childrens Assessment Unit as an emergency v6
- Information for Parents/Carers on a Gastroscopy Procedure V9
- Information for Parents/Carers Whose Child is Having an Operation v6
- Information for parents/carers with children going home after coming to hospital with abdominal pain v5
- Information for Parents/Carers/Children & Young Adults on a Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Procedure v10
- Information for Parents/Carers/Children/Young Adults on Picolax and Bisacodyl Bowel Prep Medication AFTERNOON v6
- Information for parents/carers/children/young adults on Picolax and Bisacodyl Bowel Prep Medication MORNING v5
- Information for Patients having a Computerised Tomography CT Myelogram v3
- Information for patients having a CT Coronary Angiogram v6
- Information for Patients having a CT Guided Joint Injection v2
- Information for Patients having a CT Guided Nerve Root Injection v5
- Information for patients having a general anaesthetic Easy Read Version v8
- Information for Patients having an Evacuating Proctogram v4
- Information for Patients having Ultrasound Guided Joint Injection v2
- Information for Patients having: Computerised Tomography CT Guided Bone Biopsy v1
- Information for Patients having: Fluoroscopic Guided Joint Injection v2
- Information for Patients having: Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Aspiration v1
- Information for pregnant women who have epilepsy V4
- Information for Women with Rh D-Negative Blood – Anti-D Injections v2
- Information Leaflet for Parents and Carers of Children Attending the Children’s Emergency Department v2
- Information leaflet for parents of a well-baby 37 weeks or above gestation that requires cup feeding. V3
- Information leaflet for patients having a PICC line insertion pre-consent Version 6
- Information on Azathioprine for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Paediatrics v5
- Information on Steroids for Inflammatory Bowel Disease V7
- Information sheet for patients leaving the hospital following CT computed tomography guided kidney ablation v4
- Information sheet for patients leaving the hospital following CT computed tomography guided liver ablation v4
- Information sheet for patients leaving the hospital following CT computed tomography guided lung ablation v4
- Information sheet for women leaving hospital after the procedure of Uterine Artery Embolisation to treat their fibroids v7
- Infusion of Intravenous Methylpredisolone for Thyroid Eye Disease v5
- Inguinal Groin Hernia – Information for Parents v2.1
- Inguinal Hernia Repair v6
- Inpatient Uniform Poster v2
- Insertion of Grommets v5
- Instructions Following Application of a Cast v6
- Instructions Following Eyelid Surgery at Cromer Hospital V3
- Instructions for after your Cataract Operation at Cromer Hospital V6
- Intermittent Claudication v6
- Iron Intake During Pregnancy V7
- Is my newborn baby breastfeeding ok? V6
- Ischaemia Leaflet for people with diabetes v4
- Isolated Limb Infusion ILI v6
- Keeping your baby warm after birth v1
- Keratoconus v4
- Kidney Biopsy v6
- Kidney Disease – Controlling your Phosphate with Diabetes 9
- Kidney Disease – Fluid Control on Dialysis v7.1
- Kidney Disease – Lose Weight Feel Great 8
- Kidney Disease – Phosphate in Processed Foods 7
- Kidney Disease – Reducing Salt Intake in Kidney Disease 14
- Kidney Disease: Controlling your Potassium and Phosphate v4
- Kidney Disease: Controlling your Potassium and Phosphate if you have Diabetes 4
- Kidney Disease: Eating Out on a Renal Diet v6
- Kidney Disease: Fruit and Vegetable Portions on a Low Potassium Diet 4
- Kidney Disease: Simple Potassium Restriction v4
- Kidney Disease: Vegetarian/Vegan Protein Portions 4
- Klean Prep Instruction Morning Instructions – Gastro Department v7
- Klean Prep Instructions Afternoon Instructions – Gastro Department 10
- Knee Pain and Symptoms of Instability v4
- Lactose-free weaning diet v4
- Laparoscopic Sterilisation V9
- Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometrial Cancer V8
- Laproscopic Cholecystectomy v5
- Large Print Version of Outpatient Information Central Norwich Eye Clinic CNEC V12
- Large Print Version of Outpatient Information Cromer Hospital 13
- Large Print Version of Outpatient Information Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital 16
- Laser Peripheral Iridomities V6
- Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins 19
- Latent phase of labour: How to recognise what is happening and how to cope 3 The
- Lesser Toe Deformities v6
- Liver Biopsy with Overnight Stay v10
- Long Term Central Venous Catheter Care for Haemodialysis Patients V5
- Looking after your bladder bowel and pelvic floor when you have a baby. V5
- Looking After Your Child’s Suprapubic Catheter v7
- Looking after your child’s urethral catheter v5
- Low Dose Aspirin in Pregnancy v5
- Lumbar Spine Micro-discectomy or Decompression v7
- Macular Hole Surgery
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI for Adults V7
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI For Children v7
- Managing A Prolapsed Stoma v5
- Maternity Services- Breast compressions v2
- Melanoma Information Stage IA V4
- Melanoma Information Stage IB-IIC V4
- Melanoma Information Stage III/IV V4
- Methadone Information Leaflet 4
- Methotrexate Top 10 V7
- Mohs’ Micrographic Surgery v3
- MRSA Management information for patients relatives and carers – LARGE PRINT V10
- MRSA Management information for patients relatives and carers v10
- MRSA Prevention Packs with Mupirocin v8
- MRSA Screening – What to Expect 11.2
- MRSA Screening Patient Leaflet – LARGE FONT v8.1
- Multidosing with Reliever Inhalers using a Spacer 6
- My Child Needs Spectacles! V6
- My First X-ray v4
- My First X-ray Booklet v6
- Nebulised Colomycin v7.1
- Neck Dissection Skin Tumour Unit v4.2
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome – Information leaflet v7
- Neurology Specialist Nursing Team v7
- Neuropathy leaflet for people with Diabetes v4
- Nil by Mouth v3.1
- Nipple Discharge & Surgery v7
- Nipple Shields – A Patient Guide V3
- NNUH Emergency Department and Children’s Assessment Unit advice for cases of suspected measles v1
- Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services Privacy Notice v1
- Norfolk and Suffolk Breastfeeding Support 4
- Norfolk Diabetes Patient Supporters v3
- Norovirus information for patients relatives and carers – STANDARD PRINT V11
- Not Passed Urine? v8
- Nutrition for Wound Healing v3
- Nutrition Support – Fortifying or Enriching Food 6
- Nutrition Support – Ideas to help you maintain or gain weight v5
- Nutrition Support – Ideas to help you maintain or gain weight if you have Diabetes 7
- Nutrition Support – Shopping List for High Calorie Snacks v11
- Nutrition Support: High Calorie Snacks and Drinks 8
- Pain Management Centre – patient information leaflet v6
- Pain Management Seminars Information Pack V3
- Pain Relief After Your Operation v5
- Pain Relief In Labour v11
- PALS Patient Advice and Liaison Service – Easy Read 5
- Parathyroidectomy v3.1
- Patch Test Information v7
- Paternal – How are you Dad? V1
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service – Lithuanian v3.2
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service – Polish 3.2
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service – Portuguese v3.2
- Patient Advice and Liaison Services poster – Landscape
- Patient Information for the X-ray of Minor Injuries V5
- Patient information leaflet about skin-to-skin contact v2
- Patient Information Leaflet for Breast Feeding After Breast Surgery v1
- Patient Information Leaflet for Children with Bronchiolitis V1
- Patient Information Leaflet for Children with Burns CHED V1
- Patient Information Leaflet for Febrile Convulsions V2
- Patient Information Leaflet for Surgery v4.1
- Patient Information Leaflet for T.E.N.S Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation V6
- Patient Instruction Leaflet for People with Diabetes Controlled with Insulins Tablets or by Injections of GLP-1 Agonists Undergoing Surgery V7
- Pectus the condition and its treatment 9
- Pelvic Girdle Pain V7
- Percutaneous Cholecystostomy Patient Information Leaflet v3
- Percutaneous Lung Biopsy V6
- Pharmacy Services – Coming Into Hospital V8
- Phosphate Enema Bowel Preparation x 1 – Gynaecology Pre-operative Assessment Clinic V5
- Phosphate Enema Bowel Preparation x 2 Gynaecology Pre-Assessment Clinic 6
- Physiotherapy advice for Gynaecology patients having Vaginal Surgery 7
- Physiotherapy Advice for patients following Gynaecological Abdominal Surgery 7
- Physiotherapy Advice in Pregnancy v12
- Physiotherapy Department Advice for Neck Pain v10
- Physiotherapy Guide for Patients Having Surgery V6.1 A
- Picolax for Afternoon Appointment V10
- Picolax for Morning Appointment V10
- Pilonodal Sinus v4
- Plain X-ray Information V6
- Post Natal Physiotherapy Advice and Exercises v2.1
- Post Procedure Advice Sheet Gastroscopy/EUS/Dilation 6
- Post Procedure Advice Sheet – Colonoscopy/Flexible Sigmoidoscopy BOWEL CANCER SCREENING PROGRAMME v9
- Post-operative Physiotherapy advice after Thoracic Surgery v3
- Post-procedure aftercare information for patients who have had a PICC line insertion v4
- Postmenopausal Bleeding Clinic v9
- Preconception Care for Women with Diabetes
- Pregnancy Oral Glucose Tolerance Test POGTT v7
- Pressure Ulcers Children v5
- Preventing Clots – Bengali translation
- Preventing Clots – Chinese translation
- Preventing Clots – English
- Preventing Clots – Polish translation
- Preventing Clots – Punjabi translation
- Preventing Clots – Urdu translation
- Preventing Clots in Pregancy – Urdu translation
- Preventing Clots in Pregnancy – Bengali translation
- Preventing Clots in Pregnancy – Chinese translation
- Preventing Clots in Pregnancy – English
- Preventing Clots in Pregnancy – Polish translation
- Preventing Clots in Pregnancy – Punjabi translation
- Preventing pressure ulcers large print v3
- Privacy Notice V10.1
- Probiotics V6
- Protecting your baby from infection v3
- Protecting your Baby from Low Blood Glucose V4
- Pseudomonas Respiratory Infections in Children and Young People V6
- Psychological support for children with cystic fibrosis and their families V7
- Ptosis v9
- Pulled Elbow Information Leaflet V1
- Pulmonary Embolism – A Patient’s Guide v7
- Pyloric Stenosis v6
- Radical Hysterectomy v9
- Radioactive Iodine Treatment for Thyroid Cancer Patient Information v3
- Radiofrequency RFA / Microwave ablation for lung lesions v4
- Radiofrequency RFA /Microwave ablation for liver cancer v4
- Radiology Department Ultrasound Information Leaflet Easy Read v3
- Recovery from Endovascular Surgery for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Portrait Version v14
- Recovery from Open Surgery for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Portrait Version v9
- Reducing the Risk of Falls for Your Child v3
- Reimplantation of Ureter s 6
- Remifentanil Patient Control Analgesia for Pain Relief in Labour V4
- Removal of Metalwork Surgery Upper Limb v7
- Renal Counselling v3
- Research at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals 2023
- Retinal Detachment
- Routine EEG Electroencephalogram Investigations V5
- Safeguarding Adults from Abuse Easy Read Information leaflet. V13
- Safeguarding Children v3.2
- Safeguarding Function Privacy Notice 1
- SDAU – DPU Patient Information v14
- Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty SLT Information for Patients v5
- Self-administration of medicines for day case / overnight patients v7
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Procedure V3.2
- Seroma Management V5
- Sialogram Examination V6
- Sick Day Rules 8
- Slow Moh’s Surgery v8
- Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms v6
- Small Bowel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan MRI for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease 4
- Speech and Language Therapy Department Aphasia Information Leaflet 3.2
- Speech and Language Therapy Department Cognitive Communication Difficulties Information Leaflet v3.1
- Speech and Language Therapy Department Having a PEG tube v2.3
- Speech and Language Therapy Department Videofluoroscopy Information Leaflet v2.2
- Speech and Language Therapy Having a RIG tube v2.3
- Spinal Anaesthetic – Adult Patient Information Leaflet V6
- Spinal Anaesthetic – Information for Day Case Patients who have had a Spinal Anaesthetic V10
- Spinal Cord Monitoring 9
- Spinal Cord Stimulator Pathway v7
- Splenectomy 5
- Squint Surgery for children Day Procedure Unit v8
- Statins v8
- Sterilisation at the time of Caesarean Section 9
- Steroid Eye Injection for Macular Disorders V6
- Steroid Injections for Joint and Soft Tissue Conditions v7
- Strabismus Squints in Children V6
- Stress Urinary Incontinence v6
- Strong Opioids V5
- Superficial Thrombophlebitis of the Leg: A Patient’s Guide v2
- Surface Guided Radiation Therapy System Cameras Privacy Notice 1
- Surgery Travel and Deep Vein Thrombosis 8
- Swallowing Advice v4
- Symptom Control – Dietary Advice for People with Gallstones v10
- Symptom Control – Taste Changes v7
- Sytron V7
- Telephone Advice Line for patient on Biologic Treatment V6.2
- Temporal Artery Biopsy TAB v6
- Tennis Elbow v7
- Thiazide Diuretics v8
- Thickening Fluids v7
- Thyroidectomy v3.1
- Tinnitus: A Patient Information Guide v7
- Toddler Food Refusal v11
- Top Tips for Breast Milk Storage
- Top tips for successful breastfeeding V3
- Total Contact Cast Leaflet for people with Diabetes v4
- Total Hip Replacement: A guide to your hospital experience V5
- Total Knee Replacement: A guide to your hospital experience V5
- Trabeculectomy Glaucoma Post-operative Information – Cromer Hospital V8
- Trabeculectomy Glaucoma Pre-Operative Information – Cromer Hospital v10
- Transanal Endoscopic Operation TEO v5
- Transition to the Adult Gastroenterology Team v7
- Transrectal Prostatic Ultrasound & Biopsies TRUS under general anaesthetic 7
- Trust Safeguarding Adults Leaflet for Patients v13
- Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy v6
- Ultrasound Guided Core Biopy/FNA of the Neck V6
- Ultrasound Guided Liver Biopsy V5
- Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Steroid Injection v6
- Ultrasound Guided Soft Tissue Biopsy Radiology v1
- Ultrasound Scan Information v8
- Umbilical Hernia Child Day Procedure Unit v7
- Understanding Under-Breast Soreness Intertrigo v4
- Unwell Child Discharge Information Leaflet v2
- Urodynamic Study M19 v4
- Use of Dummies/Soothers/Pacifiers on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit V5
- Use of vaginal dilators following pelvic radiotherapy/brachytherapy Version 6
- Using a spacer – Tidal breathing method 6
- Using a spacer with a mask 6
- Using Water for Labour and Birth V4
- Uterine Artery Embolisation v7
- Uveitis v7
- Vaginal Repair of Prolapse v6.1
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation VNS Implant v3.1
- Varicose Vein Surgery v14
- Vasectomy v5
- Vena Cava VC Filter Removal v6
- Videofluoroscopy Information Leaflet 1 v2.2
- Visual Field Defect Homonymous Hemianopia v8
- Vitamin D Deficiency v6
- Vitamin K v5
- Vitamin supplements for babies born after 34 weeks gestation – Information for parents and carers 2
- Vitrectomy v9
- Water Deprivation Test V8
- Watery Eyes Epiphora v2
- Weight Reducing – Stopping Smoking and Managing Your Weight v6
- Welcome to Blakeney Ward v9
- Welcome to Guist Ward v5
- Welcome to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NICU Family Guide v7
- What is a General Anaesthetic V7
- What is Dysphagia v4
- What is Familial Hypercholesterolemia FH ? 5
- Wheezy attacks in children under 3 years old v6
- While you are in Isolation – a guide for patients and visitors Version 5.1
- Whiplash Pain v6
- Why am I being photographed? V5
- Why have a fistula? V3
- Working together to reduce your risk of falling at home v1
- Working together to reduce your risk of falling at home whilst on the Virtual Ward v1
- Working together to reduce your risk of falling in hospital V2
- Wound Care Advice – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery V6
- Wound Care Advice Following an Excision with a Flap Repair 3
- Wound care advice following an excision with a skin graft 3
- YAG Laser Capsulotomy v8
- Young Person’s Guide to Epilepsy v5 A
- Your Asthma Teenagers v7
- Your CT Scan – child friendly information booklet version v6
- Your CT Scan – child friendly information short leaflet version v5
- Your Hearing Assessment Report v4
- Your Hospital Stay – Age UK v3
- Your Information Your Rights Leaflet 10
- Your preparation for Gastrectomy. Information for patients and Carers v6